This is the LEPIN 05063 – Death Star Real Reviews from our lovely customer nickname Patrick Eggers at Germany.
So, after all the nice reviews I am also in the duty to write a review:
Model is already finished, so no pictures of the construction progress. These are unfortunately only made with the smartphone and runterskaliert, so not very pretty …
Acquired at the Holiday Friend Store aka Dream House for a bargain of € 132, It’s definitely the new version and not a presell anymore, even though the few dozen stones are too much.
Packet content
Feels 100 packets of building blocks, but, in contrast to the previous models I’ve built, numbered according to construction sections, of which there are 10. Therefore, neither sorting nor searching for building blocks was necessary and the star was finished rather quickly despite its ~ 4016 stones.
It felt like it took about 10 hours, then the melon was ready.
Missing parts and other problems
At the time of construction, after the construction stages, parts were missing. These were in two renumbered bags, as well as some missing parts. Especially one of the cannons at the top had apparently forgotten them at Lepin and also packed in the bag. It still lacked two 3665 Slopes, in gray and dark gray, because someone had apparently just the wrong packed in, but after the standard parts, that was not a problem. The 3680 turntables, which were in the regular packs, were crap and did not hold up properly, but there were spares in the accessory pack. Two 32015 Technic angles were a bit crooked, but otherwise, everything was great.
In the endless than 0.1% problem parts.
If more pictures or information are required: please report