This is the LEPIN [] 15006 – Palace Cinema (Comparison LE..G0) Real Reviews from our lovely customer nickname Dieter Hartmann at Germany.
After I restored my double MOC from original Le..g0 cinemas back to its original state, I thought if the LEPIN Cinema would fit, the SUPER would fit as a block of four in my city center!
After I received my new LEPIN delivery today, one of the cinemas was built first. When building I have encountered no major problems. All stones interlock as usual. Even the complicated fixings of roof pitches and advertising sign are very stable.
The 71-page construction manual is very detailed as usual from LE..G0 and shows all the colors well.
The colors of LEPIN are 100% matching those of LE..G0.
Only with the golden stones, there is a barely recognizable difference:
For the construction but not important.
For the construction but not important.
– Only the slightly thicker floor panels have to be replaced with LE..G0 panels to make them flush with the LE..G0 cinemas.
– The transparency of the windows is great, only the transparent stones are still a bit murky. But not as bad as other models.
Oh yes, I unfortunately missed the long black tubes with which the doors are attached. Could avoid that because the lamp holders for the interior lighting were in a gun barrel frame. Its edges coincidentally fit exactly into the LE..G0 measure. So the doors were fixed briefly and painlessly with broken frame pieces.