✅Pirates Adyenture Ship Book or The Black Pearl is a fictional pirate ship that appears in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise of movies, as well as related media such as novels, comic books, and video games. The ship is captained by Jack Sparrow, the main character of the series, and is known for its sleek black hull and distinctive skull and crossbones flag.
Product Name: Pirates Adyenture Ship Book
Category: Creator
This Kit Contains: MJI 13019
919 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Manual Instructions
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In the movies, The Black Pearl is portrayed as a cursed ship that is haunted by the crew members who betrayed and mutinied against Jack Sparrow years earlier. The curse causes the crew to turn into undead skeletons under certain conditions, and the ship is sought after by other pirates and the East India Trading Company due to its reputation and valuable cargo. The Black Pearl has become an iconic symbol of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise and is a popular subject of merchandise, such as model kits, action figures, and replica ships.
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