✅Optimus Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise, which includes toys, animated series, movies, and comic books. He is the leader of the Autobots, a faction of transforming robots, and he is known for his iconic appearance as a red and blue truck. Optimus Prime can transform between his humanoid robot form and his truck form.
Product Name: Transform Robot Optimus Prime 2IN1
Category: Movie
This Kit Contains: JIESTAR JJ9022
928 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Manual Instructions
📌Nature of the protagonist
Introducing our proud collection named “Transform Robot Optimus Prime 2IN1” you should not miss.
Optimus Prime is the wise and noble leader of the Autobots, who are in a perpetual battle against the evil Decepticons. He is known for his strong sense of justice and his dedication to protecting humanity and the Earth. Like all Transformers, Optimus Prime can transform between two main forms—a humanoid robot and a truck. His transformation is a core characteristic of his character and has been a fundamental aspect of the franchise. Optimus Prime is armed with various weapons, including an energy axe and a blaster. He possesses incredible strength, agility, and resilience, making him a formidable warrior in robot form.
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