âś…The USCSS Prometheus is a fictional spacecraft that appears in the 2012 science fiction movie “Prometheus” directed by Ridley Scott. The name “USCSS” stands for “United States Commercial Starship,” indicating that the ship is a privately-owned vessel. In the movie, the USCSS Prometheus is sent on a mission to investigate the origins of human life on Earth by studying a distant planet named LV-223. The ship is equipped with advanced technology and is crewed by a team of scientists and other experts.
Product Name: USCSS Prometheus
Category: Space
This Kit Contains: C9393
9337 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 60.4 x 44.1 x 27.3 cm
Weight: 6.781 kg
PDF Instructions
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Introducing our proud collection named “USCSS Prometheus” you should not miss.
The spacecraft is depicted as a large, futuristic vessel with a streamlined design and multiple decks. It features advanced propulsion systems, communication equipment, and life support systems that allow the crew to survive in space for an extended period of time. The USCSS Prometheus is also equipped with an advanced exploration vehicle known as the “Prometheus lander,” which is used by the crew to explore the surface of LV-223. The ship’s mission ultimately leads to a confrontation with an ancient alien race known as the Engineers and the discovery of a deadly threat to humanity. Although the USCSS Prometheus is a fictional spacecraft, it has become an iconic symbol of science fiction and space exploration in popular culture
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