Architecture MOC-18016 Game Of Thrones-Westeros Skyline Architecture by MOMAtteo79 MOCBRICKLAND

This is Architecture MOC-18016 Game Of Thrones-Westeros Skyline Architecture by MOMAtteo79 MOCBRICKLAND designed by MOMAtteo79. “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R. R. Martin and the HBO show “Game Of Thrones” mainly take place. The project fits in the Architecture Skyline theme. Six of the most important locations of the show, going from south to north:
Sunspear – The seat of House Martell and the capital of Dorne
King’s Landing – The capital of the Seven Kingdoms
Pyke – The seat of House Greyjoy
The Twins – The seat of House Frey
Winterfell – The seat of House Stark, is considered to be the capital of the North
The Wall – The massive barrier of mostly ice stretching across the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms, defending the realm from the wildlings who live beyond.

Architecture MOC-18016 Game Of Thrones-Westeros Skyline Architecture by MOMAtteo79 MOCBRICKLAND is an innovative MOC version, produced by MOCBRICKLAND Factory
- The product includes 454 high-quality bricks, made from 100% ABS plastic so extremely safe for children, can be replaced with other brands on the market.
- Architecture MOC-18016 Game Of Thrones-Westeros Skyline Architecture by MOMAtteo79 MOCBRICKLAND provided with detailed PDF instruction so it is easy to build, easy to find the missing pieces
NOTE: The product does not include any printed parts. All the printed parts will be replaced by the ordinary parts.
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