Movie 18K K101 Game of Thrones Winterfell

Winterfell is the ancestral castle and seat of power of House Stark and is considered to be the capital of the north. It is in the center of the northernmost province of the Seven Kingdoms, on the kingsroad that runs from Storm’s End to the Wall.

Movie 18K K101 Game of Thrones Winterfell is an innovative 18K version, produced by 18K Factory.
- Products include 2217 high-quality bricks, made from 100% ABS plastic so extremely safe for children, can be replaced with other brands on the market.
- Dimensions: 58 x 21.9 x 38.4 cm
- Movie 18K K101 Game of Thrones Winterfell is provided with a detailed manual so it is easy to build, easy to find the missing piece.
NOTE: The product does not include any printed parts. All the printed parts will be replaced by the ordinary parts.
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