Star Wars MOC 13952 TIE Bomber – Perfect Minifig Scale by brickvault MOCBRICKLAND
TIE bombers starts fighting!
The TIE bomber has proven to be one of the more difficult TIE ships to build from Le..g0 because of it’s odd dimensions, hollow missile bay and non-spherical cockpit. Using reference images from the original studio models, Jerac’s TIE bomber has accomplished all of the difficult design tasks while simultaneously adhering to perfect minifigure scale dimensions.

Star Wars MOC 13952 TIE Bomber – Perfect Minifig Scale by brickvault MOCBRICKLAND is a product based on the TIE Bomber – Perfect Minifig Scale. This is an innovative MOC version, produced by MOC BRICK LAND
- The product includes 1494 high-quality bricks, made from 100% ABS plastic so extremely safe for children, can be replaced with other brands on the market.
- Star Wars MOC 13952 TIE Bomber – Perfect Minifig Scale by brickvault MOCBRICKLAND is provided with a detailed manual so it is easy to build, easy to find the missing pieces.
- Don’t contain stickers and printed parts.

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