✅The Christmas tree is a seasonal tradition that is typically associated with the Christmas holiday season, which occurs during the winter months in many parts of the world.
Product Name: Christmas Tree Seasonal
Category: Creator
This Kit Contains: YONGLEXING 88036
1124 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 16 × 15.2 × 26.4 cm
Manual Instructions
📌Nature of the protagonist
Introducing our proud collection named “Christmas Tree Seasonal” you should not miss.
Christmas tree season typically begins in late November or early December and extends through the Christmas holiday, which is celebrated on December 25th in many countries. Some people choose to put up their Christmas trees shortly after Thanksgiving in the United States. Christmas trees are a symbol of the Christmas holiday and are often decorated with ornaments, lights, and other festive decorations. The tree represents life and light during the darkest time of the year, and it is a central part of the holiday’s traditions. Different types of trees are used as Christmas trees, including pine, spruce, and fir trees. People often have preferences for the type of tree they use based on factors like fragrance and needle retention.
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