âś…Minas Tirith, also known as the “White City,” is a fictional city in J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy novel “The Lord of the Rings.” It is a prominent and iconic location in the story and serves as the capital of Gondor, one of the major realms in Middle-earth.
Product Name: The Lord of the Rings Minas Tirith
Category: Movie
This Kit Contains: C9605
3499 pcs Good Quality Bricks
Size: 35 x 35 x 32 cm
Weight: 2.562 kg
PDF Instructions
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Introducing our proud collection named “The Lord of the Rings Minas Tirith” you should not miss.
Minas Tirith is located in the land of Gondor, situated on the western edge of the White Mountains. It overlooks the Pelennor Fields and the Anduin River. Its strategic position makes it a vital defensive stronghold against the forces of Mordor. Minas Tirith is a city built into the side of a mountain. It is known for its seven concentric levels, with each level being higher and more important than the one below. The city is made of white stone, which gives it its name, and it gleams in the sunlight. At the very top is the citadel, where the ruling Steward of Gondor resides.
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